
Friday, June 1, 2018

Chapter 28: The Persian Wars"/Myths "The Boy Who Flew"

Social Studies 

Today's Goal: 

To read chapter 28 and identify how geography and military strategy impacted four significant battles between the Persians and the Greeks.

The Plan:
  1. Read and discuss chapter 28 (period 7/8)
  2. Start "The Last Stand: Battle of the 300"
  • Athens vs. Sparta project (Google Classroom Social Studies) due MONDAY 6/4 due to technical difficulties!!!

Image result for icarus
To participate in a meaningful way in our in today's lesson. To read "The Boy Who Flew" and watch the movie about Icarus and Daedelus and prepare for our Socratic Seminar.
The Plan 
1. Read
2. Watch
3. Write

ORVF due Wednesday 6/6