
Thursday, October 4, 2018

Hero's Journey Review and Reading Workshop/Identity Unit: Society


Goal:  Our learning goal is for everyone in the class to be able to understand the steps of the Hero’s Journey and apply the model to different stories we have heard, books we have read, movies we have seen as well as to our own lives.
Essential Question(s):
What does it mean to be a hero? What are the stages of the Hero's Journey?


    1. Kahoot Review
    2. Reader's Workshop

  • Literary Letter (make a HJ connection with your book!)

Homework and important reminders!
Achieves are due before midnight Sunday!

Hero's Journey Test Friday!--play the review game (see schoolloop for link!)
You got this! I BELIEVE IN YOU!! 

Read for at least 15 minutes every day! :)  Remember the challenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ORVF due 10/10:  Keep up your reading, remember our goal!

Social Studies (period  5 only today)

  • I will begin to understand the concept of society.

Essential Question(s):
What makes a society?  How does the role of "we" and "they" impact perspectives

  1. "Meet Me At"
  2. "We" and "They" perspective paragraphs
Homework and important reminders!
Read for at least 15 minutes every day! :)