Social Studies
Essential Questions:
- What are the five main beliefs of Hinduism?
- Mandala and paragraph description mounted on construction paper
The word mandala comes from the Sanskrit word for “circle,” a shape which expresses completeness, unity, and stability. In some traditions the mandala is a symbolic representation of the inner self; in others, it is a representation of the physical world or universe.
No homework!!!
We will complete Step 3 and the acrostic poem when we return from vacation!
We will complete Step 3 and the acrostic poem when we return from vacation!
After the Bell Ringer, you may choose what to work on from the menu below.
1. Bell Ringer: Thursday--vocabulary work: protagonist
2. Writing Workshop: mini-lesson: Conclusions-End Strongly (period 8 only)
2. Writing Workshop: mini-lesson: Conclusions-End Strongly (period 8 only)
3. Achieves
4. M.A.D. project
4. M.A.D. project
- Set the timer and work on your poem for 15 minutes (or more) best draft due Friday
- Find the blank document in Google Classroom. Type or copy and paste your poem there (follow the format of our poem examples)
- Print your poem and bring it to class!!
- Achieves: