
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Finish Mandala Project/Menu options for English

Social Studies 

Essential Questions:
  • What are the five main beliefs of Hinduism?
  • Mandala and paragraph description mounted on construction paper

The word mandala comes from the Sanskrit word for “circle,” a shape which expresses completeness, unity, and stability.  In some traditions the mandala is a symbolic representation of the inner self; in others, it is a representation of the physical world or universe.
Image result for sand mandala

No homework!!!

We will complete Step 3 and the acrostic poem when we return from vacation!

Image result for homeless bird book cover
After the Bell Ringer, you may choose what to work on from the menu below.

1. Bell Ringer:  Thursday--vocabulary work: protagonist 
2. Writing Workshop: mini-lesson: Conclusions-End Strongly (period 8 only)
3. Achieves
4. M.A.D. project

  • Set the timer and work on your poem for 15 minutes (or more) best draft due Friday
  • Find the blank document in Google Classroom. Type or copy and paste your poem there (follow the format of our poem examples)
  • Print your poem and bring it to class!!
  • Achieves:
          Two Free Choices this week--steps 1-4  Due Friday