
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Buddhism chapter 16/ Einstein Jr article paragraphs; Achieve

Dear Students,

For social studies: 
Remember, as you read, discuss, and then complete the reading notes for chapter 16, you are preparing for the test.  Do a thorough job so you can use your work to review!

For English:
Today you have the option to work on your Free Choice Achieve (due Sunday before midnight--only one this week) or your EJP paragraphs (best draft printed and due tomorrow for peer feedback).  Some guidelines on both:

  • Achieve:
When you complete the Achieve article please use close reading strategies to help you understand the article and successfully answer the activity questions.  Remember what we did with your EJ article (read once for the gist, read a second time and highlight key terms and review their definitions, look up the meaning of words you do not know, read a third time and highlight in a different color the main ideas, and return to the article when you are answering questions if it will help you).  THIS IS WHAT SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS DO! I BELIEVE IN YOU!
  • EJP articles:
Paragraph one is a summary of the article. That means you tell, in your own words, what the article was about (follow the outline in Google Classroom).  Remeber, do not use personal pronouns, do not use quotes. Refer to your text and annotations we did in class to help you.

Paragraph two is a reflection. How did this article help you understand the scientific concepts or help you build your project?  You MAY use personal pronouns in this paragraph because it describes your thoughts! :)

Citation and student sample: Today I posted a document explaining how to cite your article and I provided you a sample assignment to use as a model.

Be your wonderful selves for our sub.  I can't wait to see you tomorrow!
💚 Mrs. Hauck-Wood

 Social Studies 

Today's Goal: 
To finish reading chapter 16: The Story of Buddhism and complete our reading notes!

The Plan:
  1. Chapter 16.5-16.7 page 157
  2. Reading Notes page 116-117
  • Chapter 16 test Friday!  
  • Finish 16.7 Reading Notes if not finished in class

Related image
To finish my best draft of my EJP paragraphs. To cite my source in MLA format, and to put my assignment in MLA format.

The Plan 
1. Bell Ringer:  Inferences
2.  Einstein Jr Article Paragraphs
3.  Achieve
  •  Summary/Reflection best draft due tomorrow, Wednesday, 4/25
  • Print a copy and bring it to class for peer feedback!